Judy Terwilliger Biography


Judy Terwilliger is a Registered Nurse of 40 years, concurrently a Certified Massage Therapist and Functional Mobility Specialist for 17 years. She maintains a broad base of practice spanning four decades. Currently she oversees a busy pain management practice in Sacramento CA, and works extensively with rehabilitation physicians, pediatric healthcare practitioners and other allied health care specialists to effect therapeutic change across a broad range of myofascial/muscle pattern dysfunctions. From infants to seniors she promotes functional mobility, focusing on a wellness paradigm, therapeutically utilizing a tensegrity-based modality that she has developed and teaches nationwide called The Functional Bowen Method™. It is uniquely focused on affecting fascial change where disruption of any kind has impacted muscle pliability, response and flexibility. Read about Our Functional Bowen Method™ here.

This multi-disciplined, training oriented, integrative focus is what sets her business apart from others. She and her staff of licensed therapists and practitioners work on “Incorporating Concepts in Natural Body Design & Restoration”. Combining her Western Medicine background with her Complimentary Medicine studies, her focus on structure-function balance in the field of pain-management, from infants to seniors, using her Functional Bowen Method™ has seen many successes.

She currently is an active member of the National Society of Pediatric Nurses, the American College of Sports Medicine and has been a featured speaker on the subject of myofascial dysfunction assessment and resolves both nationally as well as internationally.  Curriculum Vitae/Education